0.01 linear metres

Publications from Shirley Developments Limited


PhD thesis in the history of science entitled 'Un modello algoritmico: l'Analytical Engine di Charles Babbage'


Treatise entitled 'The Intellectual Property Speculators'

1 box file

Papers relating to Glyn Moody's essay 'The Greatest OS That (N)ever Was – Linus Torvalds and thousands of disparate hackers created Linux, perhaps the only alternative to Windows NT. It may be the greatest software story never completed.'

1 item

Monsanto Backgrounder briefing notes "Yieldguard insect-protected corn" pamphlet

1 item

Monsanto Backgrounder briefing notes "'The Roundup Ready soybean system': sustainability and herbicide use"

1 item

Monsanto "ECOtillage reduces input and maximises crop yields" information booklet

3 items

Guidelines for good agricultural practice when growing herbicide tolerant crops


BBC2 "First Sight" 'Seeds of doubt'

1 item

Nuffield Council on Bioethics "Genetically modified crops: the ethics and social issues"


BBC2 Newsnight on GM crops

1 item

Monsanto "Solutions for tomorrow's world"

1 item

Benefits to GM crops and a discussion on Monsanto

1 item

Monsanto annual report 1998

2 items

Monsanto Roundup Ready grower information and agreement form

1 item

Commodity versus speciality crops


BBC "Model Farm" Video footage of vandalism on farmland running GM crops trial

2 items

Monsanto achievements report 1997

8 items

Monsanto briefing on insect protected maize and soybeans; benefits and general information

1 item

"Handbook for action: Genetix Snowball a campaign of nonviolent civil responsibility" a guide for GM protestors on ways to remove GM crops without destroying farmland

1 item

Monsanto product guide for Yieldguard insect protected corn "Insect resistance management"

1 item

Monsanto "Introducing Roundup Ready corn, the absolute in weed control" booklet

4 cassettes

Food Futures cassettes

1 cassette

"Low fat foods"

1 item

Farmer's weekly article on GM crops in America

1 CD

Monsanto "Biotechnology solutions for a growing world"

Colour printed sales catalogue providing details and specifications of textile testing and laboratory equipment.

Catalogue No. 10

2 volumes

GE Perry desk diary and weekly calendar for the year 1997

1 folder

Two-line element sets and notes for the year 1997

1 folder

Two-line element sets and notes for the year 1998

Cover sheet for a fax sent by Jon Savage to Nick Stewart relating to the Joy Division box set.

Annotated fax cover sheet

Fax from Jon Savage to Nick Stewart relating to a Georgio Moroder compilation album.


16 items

Heart and Soul

A file of notes for the Heart And Soul compilation including the Excess Press press release and photocopies of press clippings including a copy of Jon Savage's first review of Warsaw in Sounds, October 1977.

Papers relating to Heart and Soul

Fax from Jon Savage to Richard Connell referring to the track listing for the Joy Division box set.


5 items

New Order Video 5-8-6

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Conferences and Courses: Care of photographic, moving images, and sound collections

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Publications: Stately Progress (Palaces on Wheels)

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Annual Dinner: National Railway Museum, 1998

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Heritage Lottery Fund: Lottery display development

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Heritage Lottery Fund: NRM lottery bid - progress 2

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Copyright: Photographs - private collections

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Heritage Lottery Fund: General

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Background Information: Arthur Hey collection

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Annual Dinner: National Railway Museum, 1997

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Publications: 'Common Roots, Separate Branches'

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Audio Visual: Lecture service - British Transport Films

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Conferences and Courses: Communications project

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Special Exhibitions: The Channel Tunnel - The Whole Story

1 file

National Railway Museum corporate file titled: Special Exhibitions: Railway Magazine